Can Dreams Help with Sudden Loss?

On The Meaning of Forever blog, we’ve posted many stories from people who have had comforting dreams featuring their deceased loved ones. And we’ve often referred to the research of Dr. Joshua Black, who earned his doctorate degree in psychology based on pioneering research into what he calls “grief dreams.”

On a website called nextavenue, based in Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN, writer Kevyn Burger interviews Black and others to begin putting grief dream research into the context of the Covid 19 pandemic and the trauma of sudden loss. You can read the full article by clicking here.

The Meaning of Forever Project continues to accept stories of comforting experiences with loved ones who have passed on, and of near-death experiences that have helped to show the continuation of life beyond the physical body. You can email your story to us and you can find more about our project on our Facebook page, and our Meaning of Forever Website.

3 thoughts on “Can Dreams Help with Sudden Loss?

  1. Paul

    It was two weeks after my girlfriend died and i was in deep shock….and i dreamt that she fell in a ditch, and i jumped in amd pulled her out thinking she was dead…I dusted off her face and she was alive and we laughed and cried with relief.
    It took me a few months before i suddenly realsied that the ditch was actually her grave…..and although she had died she was showing me that she is still with me .
    Iv had many many more dreams and meditation experinces with her since then….but this was the first profound one that got my attention.


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